When Does “The Cutting Edge” (1992) Take Place?
"The Cutting Edge" is a romantic-comedy sports film written by Tony Gilroy that released March 27th, 1992. So when is "The Cutting Edge" set?
It takes place during the years:
We know this because the main plot begins with a title card that reads “Two Years Later” after an extended prologue that takes place at the 1988 AD Winter Olympics (identified by the sports performed, the city named in the film's dialogue, and the “ ‘88 ” banners in the background).

1990 AD - 1992 AD
We know this because the main plot begins with a title card that reads “Two Years Later” after an extended prologue that takes place at the 1988 AD Winter Olympics (identified by the sports performed, the city named in the film's dialogue, and the “ ‘88 ” banners in the background).
Then, the climax of the film takes place at the 1992 AD Winter Olympics (again identified by the sports performed, the city named in the film's dialogue, and the banners in the background).