When Does the Film "Logan" (2017) Take Place?
"Logan" (sometimes released as "Logan: The Wolverine") is a science fiction superhero film written by Scott Frank with James Mangold and Michael Green [adapting "Wolverine" #66-72 v3 (2008-2009) as well as "Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size" (2009), all by Mark Millar] and released March 3rd, 2017.
We know this because, in the second scene, a caller into a radio shock jock show says, "Hey, Clyde. It's 2029, why are we still talking about mutants?" and, in the previous shot, Logan's limo driver's license can be clearly seen as expiring in 2029 AD.
It takes place on an alternate timeline of the fictional Marvel Cinematic Universe in the year:
2029 AD
We know this because, in the second scene, a caller into a radio shock jock show says, "Hey, Clyde. It's 2029, why are we still talking about mutants?" and, in the previous shot, Logan's limo driver's license can be clearly seen as expiring in 2029 AD.
An article at Comic-Book Resources points out that director and co-writer James Mangold intended the film to take place in the same universe with the other X-Men films.
It is a chronologically late film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline (a final chronological film to feature Logan/Wolverine) and can be watched either at its timeline point, after all the others, or entirely separately.