When Does "Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake" (1990) Take Place?
"Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake" is a spy video game written by Hideo Kojima, designed for the MSX system, that released July 20th, 1990. So when is "Solid Snake" set?
It takes place on the fictional Metal Gear timeline in the year:
We know this because it's specified that Solid Snake is brought out of retirement for this new mission in Zanzibarland on Christmas Eve in December of 1999 AD.

1999 AD
We know this because it's specified that Solid Snake is brought out of retirement for this new mission in Zanzibarland on Christmas Eve in December of 1999 AD.
It is a chronologically midway game in the Metal Gear universe and can be played either at its timeline point or second [after "Metal Gear" (1987)] as part of a retro release order experience.