When Does "The Founder" (2016) Take Place?

"The Founder" is a historical fiction film written by Robert Siegel that released January 20th, 2017. So when is "The Founder" set? 

It takes place in the years: 

1954 AD - 1961 AD 

We know this because the first scene concludes with a place and time setting title card that reads "1954" and three-quarters through the film, a corporate letter is dated "February 16, 1957". 

Eventually, the film depicts a major transition in the history of the McDonald's company that happened in 1961 AD. 

Additionally, an epilogue includes a place and time setting title card that reads "1970". So, while the film's main action ends soon after the 1961 AD scenes, the epilogue is clearly set in 1970 AD
