When Does “The Passion of Joan of Arc” (1928) Take Place?
"La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc" (released to English-speaking audiences as "The Passion of Joan of Arc") is a historical film written by Joseph Delteil with Carl Theodor Dreyer that released April 21st, 1928. So when is "The Passion of Joan of Arc" set?
It takes place in the year:
We know this because it depicts the famous and tragic religious trial, questioning, and execution of the famous Jehanne d'Arc (or Joan of Arc: 1412-1431). The trial started in January, she was questioned from February to March, and the execution occurred on May 30th, 1431 AD.
An episode of the “History in Film” podcast examined the exact setting of the film.
1431 AD
We know this because it depicts the famous and tragic religious trial, questioning, and execution of the famous Jehanne d'Arc (or Joan of Arc: 1412-1431). The trial started in January, she was questioned from February to March, and the execution occurred on May 30th, 1431 AD.
An episode of the “History in Film” podcast examined the exact setting of the film.