When Does the Film "The Incredible Hulk" (2008) Take Place?

"The Incredible Hulk" is an adventure horror (kaiju) superhero film written by Zak Penn with Edward Norton [adapting "The Incredible Hulk" #34-#35 v2 (2001) and "The Incredible Hulk" #43-#44 v2 (2002) by Bruce Jones as well as “Tales to Astonish” #90 (1967) by Stan Lee] that released June 13th, 2008. So when is "The Incredible Hulk" set? 

It takes place on the fictional Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline in the year: 

2011 AD 

We know this because of various references in "Thor" (2011) and "Iron Man 2" (2010). Plus a single line of dialogue in “The Avengers” (2012)

In the film itself, several dates indicate that it is 2007 AD

During the film's opening montage, a photograph is visible that's dated "4/18/04 SUN" and one labeled with "REFSIRXXX412546.2006". Two points on a map seen soon after have dates in 2006 AD. Then, a report is shown covering an event dated to "02/07/2006". Finally, a document related to the United States military's attempts to track the Hulk flashes on the screen. It states first that there have been "No Sightings For 5 Months" and below that the Hulk was “last seen fleeing Oct 21, 2006”. That solidly dates the document to March of 2007 AD. 

An on-screen animated title card counter tells us, over the first shot of the film, it's been "158" "DAYS WITHOUT INCIDENT". That matches 5 months of roughly 30 days each. 

158 ÷ 30 = 5. 

HOWEVER, there could have been incidents the U.S. military is not aware of. So this omniscient narrator 5-month period could be in addition to the U.S. military's documented 5-month period. Or much more. 

(Incidentally, these dates, when filtered through General Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross’ statement that “He made it 5 years and got across borders” does bring the film exactly in line with Bruce Banner becoming the Hulk and escaping to South America in 2002 AD, the timeframe of the film “Hulk” (2003). “The Incredible Hulk” (2008) has been described by the film’s producer Gale Anne Hurd as not a reboot or a prequel but a “re-quel” to that film.) 

However, these dates only tell us it is 2007 AD or later. For the film to be concurrent with “Iron Man 2” (2010), as hinted at during the epilogue of that film, it must take place in 2011 AD. 

This Geekritique article and video examines its exact setting. 

It is a chronologically early film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (an early chronological film to feature Bruce Banner/The Hulk) and can be watched either at its timeline point or entirely separately. 
