When Does "Highlander III: The Sorcerer" (1994) Take Place?
"Highlander III: The Sorcerer" (sometimes released as "Highlander III: The Final Dimension" and Highlander III: The Final Conflict") is a fantasy film written by Paul Ohl with René Manzor, Brad Mirman, and William N. Panzer that released November 30th, 1994.
It takes place in the year:
We know this because, early in the film, Lieutenant John Stenn says, "8 years ago, you got away with it" referring to the events of the first film, "Highlander" (1986), which take place in 1985 AD.

1993 AD
We know this because, early in the film, Lieutenant John Stenn says, "8 years ago, you got away with it" referring to the events of the first film, "Highlander" (1986), which take place in 1985 AD.
1985 + 8 = 1993.
(There is a place and time setting title card at the start of the main action that reads "Japan 1994" but presumably this is a production 'mistake' based on dating the events of the first film to 1986 AD, the year that first film was made.)
The hallmark of the Highlander series is major flashbacks to historical periods:
The film's prologue takes place midway in the training of Connor MacLeod sometime after a flashback in "Highlander" (1986) that takes place in 1541 AD. It's not dated but when Kane reenters the Gathering, he says, MacLeod "owes me 400 years". The archeologist Doctor Alex Johnson also dates the artifacts she finds in the cave Kane emerges from as 300 to 400 years old. This roughly places the prologue at 1593 AD.
1993 - 400 = 1593.
Additionally, short segments of the film are flashbacks. First, to 1788 AD on the eve of the famous French Revolution. Then, two appear to be in 1789 AD after the revolution has begun. The fourth and last of these seems to be after the revolutionary years are over (in 1799 AD) but is otherwise unplaceable.
There are also very short flashbacks to various events of the first film.
It should be noted that this film ignores entirely the events and continuity of the previous film, "Highlander 2: The Quickening" (1991). The TV series “Highlander” (1992) was a much more logical progression (and far better received by fans) so this film leans into implications that it shares continuity with that work. It is the chronologically second-earliest film in the Highlander universe (the second chronological film to feature Connor MacLeod) and can be watched at its timeline point, during the run of the "Highlander" TV show, or entirely separately.