When Does "Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker" (2010) Take Place?
"Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker" is a spy video game written by Hideo Kojima with Shuyo Murata, designed for the PlayStation Portable system, and released April 29th, 2010.
We know this because after a series of white-on-black title cards summarizing the events of the chronologically previous game, [“Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater” (2004)] there is another title card over the graphics after just a few shots. This reads, "November 4, 1974 15:42 Barranquilla Coast, Colombia".
It is a chronologically early game in the Metal Gear universe and it can be played either at its timeline point or after "Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots" (2008) as part of an extended flashback.
It takes place on the fictional Metal Gear timeline in the year:
1974 AD
We know this because after a series of white-on-black title cards summarizing the events of the chronologically previous game, [“Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater” (2004)] there is another title card over the graphics after just a few shots. This reads, "November 4, 1974 15:42 Barranquilla Coast, Colombia".
This game re-released for the XBOX 360 and XBOX ONE systems in the United States of America and on the PlayStation 3 system in Japan November 8th, 2011. There is a marked increase in graphics realism but the game's time setting is unchanged.