When Does "Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker" (2010) Take Place?
"Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker" is a spy video game written by Hideo Kojima with Shuyo Murata, designed for the PlayStation Portable system, that released April 29th, 2010. So when is "Peace Walker" set?
It takes place on the fictional Metal Gear timeline in the year:
We know this because after a series of white-on-black title cards summarizing the events of the chronologically previous game, ["Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater" (2004)] there is another title card over the graphics after just a few shots. This reads, "November 4, 1974 15:42 Barranquilla Coast, Colombia".
It is a chronologically early game in the Metal Gear universe and it can be played either at its timeline point or after "Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots" (2008) as part of an extended flashback.
This game re-released for the XBOX 360 and XBOX ONE systems in the United States of America and on the PlayStation 3 system in Japan November 8th, 2011. There is a marked increase in graphics realism but the game's time setting is unchanged.

1974 AD
We know this because after a series of white-on-black title cards summarizing the events of the chronologically previous game, ["Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater" (2004)] there is another title card over the graphics after just a few shots. This reads, "November 4, 1974 15:42 Barranquilla Coast, Colombia".