When Does "Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes" (2014) Take Place?

"Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes" is a spy video game written by Hideo Kojima with Shuyo Murata and Hidenari Inamura, designed for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 systems, that released March 18th, 2014. So when is "Ground Zeroes" set? 

It takes place on the fictional Metal Gear timeline in the year: 

1975 AD 

We know this because, after a long introduction, a time and place setting title card appears over the graphics that reads, "March 16th, 1975 00:00 U.S. Naval Prison Facility, Cuba". 

Furthermore, the famous song "Here's To You" by Ennio Morricone with Joan Baez plays in the background of a recording the character Chico makes accidentally. The song released in March of 1971 AD so it must be after that. 

[HOWEVER, the cassette tapes in the story are all being played and recorded on a handheld tape player. The first portable audio device was the Sony Walkman, which did play cassette tapes but was only introduced in July of 1979 AD. It means the story either takes place after that or the members of Big Boss' paramilitary organization attained advanced technology with military connections or the history of Sony consumer products is different in the "Metal Gear" universe or it's a simple production mistake.] 

The story takes place close to real-time, so the narrative ends in less than 24 hours after that point. 

It is a chronologically midway game in the Metal Gear universe and can be played either at its timeline point or after "Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots" (2008) as part of an extended flashback. 
