When Does "SCOOP" (2024) Take Place?
"SCOOP" is a historical fiction film written by Peter Moffat with Geoff Bussetil and released April 5th, 2024.
We know this because, after the film's 2010 AD prologue, there's a title card that reads "NINE YEARS LATER" just after the film's name appears on a title card over footage of London streets. Further into the film, two 2019 AD dates appear as title cards.
It takes place in the year:
2019 AD
We know this because, after the film's 2010 AD prologue, there's a title card that reads "NINE YEARS LATER" just after the film's name appears on a title card over footage of London streets. Further into the film, two 2019 AD dates appear as title cards.
The main action of the film depicts the negotiations, taping, and broadcasting of the famous BBC interview with Prince Andrew referring to his friendship with noted child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein broadcast on November 16th, 2019 AD.
Additionally, there is a prologue that has a time and place setting title card over footage clearly labeling it as: "NEW YORK 2010".
Additionally, there is a prologue that has a time and place setting title card over footage clearly labeling it as: "NEW YORK 2010".