When Does the Film "Ready Player One" (2018) Take Place?
"Ready Player One" is a science fiction film written by Ernest Cline with Eric Eason and Zak Penn [adapting "Ready Player One" (2011) by Ernest Cline] and released March 29th, 2018.
We know this because before a single frame of film, there is a white-on-black time and place setting title card reading, "COLUMBUS, OHIO 2045 'THE STACKS' ".
It takes place in the year:
2045 AD
We know this because before a single frame of film, there is a white-on-black time and place setting title card reading, "COLUMBUS, OHIO 2045 'THE STACKS' ".
Wade Watts says in voice-over narration, early in the film, "I was born in 2027" and he appears to be a teenager.