When Does the Film "Tick, Tick... BOOM!" (2021) Take Place?
"Tick, Tick... BOOM!" is a historical fiction film musical written by Steven Levenson [adapting "Tick, Tick... BOOM!" (2001) by Jonathan Larson] that released November 12th, 2021.
It takes place in the year:
We know this because part of the second half of the musical's first song "30/90" is the line "10 30 1990! BOOM, you're passé!" The song is about turning 30-years-old as an aspirant creative person and the lyrics refer to this happening at the time of the song which comes right at the beginning of the story.

1990 AD
We know this because part of the second half of the musical's first song "30/90" is the line "10 30 1990! BOOM, you're passé!" The song is about turning 30-years-old as an aspirant creative person and the lyrics refer to this happening at the time of the song which comes right at the beginning of the story.