When Does "Tick, Tick... BOOM!" (1990) Take Place?
"Tick, Tick... BOOM!" (originally released as "Boho Days") is an autobiographical stage musical written by Jonathan Larson and first performed September 6th, 1990.
It takes place in the year:
We know this because in the second half of the show’s first song "30/90" Jonathan sings the line "10 30 1990! BOOM, you're passé!" The song is about turning 30-years-old as an aspirant creative person and the lyrics refer to this happening contemporaneously with the beginning of the story.
It is interesting to note that the musical was first performed as a one-man show in 1990, and told stories inspired by Jonathan Larson's personal life that were current or near-current at the time. An examination of the show's development can be found at the Library of Congress blog.
After Jonathan Larson's massive posthumous success with "RENT" (1996), David Auburn altered the original one-man show into a three-person musical. The Broadway debut of that version was May 23rd, 2001. This version does not change the story's timeframe.
It was adapted to film in 2021.

1990 AD
We know this because in the second half of the show’s first song "30/90" Jonathan sings the line "10 30 1990! BOOM, you're passé!" The song is about turning 30-years-old as an aspirant creative person and the lyrics refer to this happening contemporaneously with the beginning of the story.
It is interesting to note that the musical was first performed as a one-man show in 1990, and told stories inspired by Jonathan Larson's personal life that were current or near-current at the time. An examination of the show's development can be found at the Library of Congress blog.

There were two revival productions in 2014 and again in 2016 and British revivals in 2005 and 2009. These versions also do not change the story's timeframe.
It was adapted to film in 2021.