When Does "Blank Check" (1994) Take Place?
"Blank Check" is a comedy film written by Colby Carr with Blake Snyder that released February 11th, 1994. So when is "Blank Check" set?
It takes place in the year:
We know this because when Preston Waters receives a recent check with no dollar amount filled out from his grandmother early int the film, the date has been written in as "Aug 8" and "93" next to a pre-printed "19".

1993 AD
We know this because when Preston Waters receives a recent check with no dollar amount filled out from his grandmother early int the film, the date has been written in as "Aug 8" and "93" next to a pre-printed "19".
Later, when Preston receives the eponymous blank check that starts his adventure, he uses a computer font and a printer to fill it out as a current check with "Aug 9 93".