When Does "Idiocracy" (2006) Take Place?
"Idiocracy" is a science fiction comedy film written by Mike Judge with Etan Cohen that released September 1st, 2006. So when is "Idiocracy" set?
It takes place in the year:
We know this because the narrator flatly and hilariously describes the first event of the story's main action as "the Great Garbage Avalanche of 2505". Indeed, not long after, a helpful copy of "Hot Naked Chicks & World Report" is very clearly dated "March 3, 2505" and the date is confirmed immediately by a receipt and a calendar with the same date.

2505 AD
We know this because the narrator flatly and hilariously describes the first event of the story's main action as "the Great Garbage Avalanche of 2505". Indeed, not long after, a helpful copy of "Hot Naked Chicks & World Report" is very clearly dated "March 3, 2505" and the date is confirmed immediately by a receipt and a calendar with the same date.
Additionally, there's a prologue the narrator dates for us very early as "in the year 2005," just before introducing the main character, Joe. A quick scene that makes up the end of this prologue flashes to a "The Washington Ledger" newspaper front page dated "January 15th, 2006" showing us some months have passed and we reached early 2006 AD.