When Does “Monty Python and the Holy Grail" (1975) Take Place?

"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" is an absurdist comedy historical fiction film musical written by Graham Chapman with John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin that released April 3rd, 1975. 

It takes place in the year: 

932 AD or... 

We know this because... well... actually we don't. The film opens with a white on black time and place setting title card reading "England 93² A.D." and never sets another specific year again. Is that 932 AD or February of 93 AD or 93 to the second power? That would be 8649 AD... 

The plot follows the legend of the British King Arthur, who may or may not have lived in the real-world at all. Most scholars think IF there ever was a historical King Arthur, he probably lived sometime between 500 AD and 700 AD. 

At the end of the day, this film is delightful absurdist comedy so it could probably be best said to take place at the time of filming and all the characters are under a mass delusion that they are various historical characters since contemporary police officers are seen chasing them at several key moments of the story! Based on that reading of the film, it takes place in 1974 AD or 1975 AD. 
