When Does "Six-String Samurai" (1998) Take Place?
"Six-String Samurai" is a comedy science fiction film written by Jeffrey Falcon with Lance Mungia that released September 18th, 1998. So when is "Six-String Samurai" set?
It takes place in the year:
We know this because at the end of the prologue, a rolling title card declares, "In 1957, the bomb dropped... After forty rockin' years, The King is dead."

1997 AD
We know this because at the end of the prologue, a rolling title card declares, "In 1957, the bomb dropped... After forty rockin' years, The King is dead."
1957 + 40 = 1997.
As to whether the main action picks up immediately then or not, we can't be 100% sure. Radio still exists in this post-apocalyptic 1990s so it would stand to reason that Buddy begins his journey soon after hearing about the death of this alternate universe Elvis Presley and he could have heard relatively soon via radio.