When Does "Harbinger" #3 (1991) Take Place?

"Harbinger" #3 v1 "One Small Step..." is a superhero comic-book written by Jim Shooter that released December 13th, 1991. So when is "Harbinger" #3 set? 

It takes place on the fictional Valiant Universe timeline in the year: 

1991 AD 

We know this because the first page includes a time and place setting narration textbox reading, "Summer home of Doctor Lawrence Heyward. July 6, 1991, 9:20 A.M." and the entire issue takes place over only a few days. There appears to be no way to confirm this July 1991 AD date with context. 

The next issue "Harbinger" #4 reveals that "over five months!" have passed during this comic and the next time setting textbox reads, "Saturday, December 21, 1991, 10:40 A.M." on the same page in #4. So it's December of 1991 AD at the end. 

This comic-book was retroactively collected into a "Harbinger" volume 1 subtitled "Children of the Eighth Day" and another subtitled "The Beginning"

It is an early chronological comic-book in the Valiant Universe (a chronologically fourth comic to feature the Harbinger characters) and can be read at its timeline point. 
