When Does "2666" (2004) Take Place?
"2666" is an epic mystery novel written by Roberto Bolaño that released November 2nd, 2004. So when is "2666" set?
It takes place in the years:
We know this because each of the novel’s five parts are fairly clearly dated:

1992 AD - 1997 AD
We know this because each of the novel’s five parts are fairly clearly dated:
“The Part About the Critics” covers 1992 AD through 1995 AD.
The story really starts with: “In 1992, Pelletier, Espinoza, and Morini ran into each other again at a German literature seminar in Ausburg.” and jumps ahead to 1993 AD when the narrator says, “The three met again at a German-language literature colloquium held in Bologna in 1993.” But then tells us, “The first time Pelletier, Morini, Espinoza, and Norton saw each other was at a contemporary German literature conference held in Bremen in 1994.” and then, for the real main action of this section, to 1995 AD.
Additionally, this section opens in 1980 AD (“The first time that Jean-Claude Pelletier read Benno von Archimboldi was Christmas 1980”).
“The Part About Amalfitano”
“The Part About Fate”
“The Part About the Crimes” covers 1993 AD through 1998 AD.
The narrator states, “This happened in 1993. January 1993.” and follows this with detailed descriptions of murders throughout that year. Then, “The first dead woman of 1994 was found” and the pattern repeats. Eventually, we come to “The year 1995 began with the discovery, on January 5, of another dead woman.” Next, after a sequence taking place in a Mexican prison, we are brought to 1996 AD with “In January 1996, Klaus Haas convened the press again.” Plus, the narrator informs the reader, “In January 1997, five members of the Los Bisontes gang”... Lastly, we’re told “On December 3, the body of another woman was found” and there’s a short interlude soon after explaining, “Three months later, Kelly disappeared in Santa Teresa, Sonora.” So, the furthest forward moment is February of 1998 AD.
Additionally, there is a long passage sketching the family history of Lalo Cura in the nineteenth century and containing a long flashback to 1934 AD and another to 1976 AD before this chapter concludes.
Finally, “The Part About Archimboldi” covers YEAR AD to 2001? AD.
It was adapted to the stage in 2007, and then to the stage twice more in 2016.