When Does the Film "Superman IV: The Quest for Peace" (1987) Take Place?
"Superman IV: The Quest for Peace" is a superhero film written by Lawrence Konner with Mark Rosenthal and Christopher Reeve [adapting the first story in "Superman" #408 v1 (1985) by Paul Kupperberg with Ed Hannigan, the Superman story in "Superman" #233 v1 (1970) by Denny O'Neil, as well as "Adventure Comics" #387-#388 (1969) by Leo Dorfman] and released July 24th, 1987.
We know this because a newspaper front page appears a quarter through the movie with a headline referring to events shown in the previous scenes and dated for "THURSDAY, 29 AUGUST, 1985".
It takes place on an alternate timeline of the fictional DC Films Universe in the year:
1985 AD
We know this because a newspaper front page appears a quarter through the movie with a headline referring to events shown in the previous scenes and dated for "THURSDAY, 29 AUGUST, 1985".
It is a chronologically early film in the DC Films multiverse timeline (a fourth chronological film to feature Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman) and can be watched either at its timeline point.
It was adapted to comics in late 1987 and to prose in the same year.