When Does "The Matrix Online" (2005) Take Place?

"The Matrix Online" is a science fiction massive-multiplayer-online video game written by Paul Chadwick and released March 22nd, 2005. 

It takes place on the fictional The Matrix timeline roughly in the years: 

~2700 AD - ~2704 AD 

We know this because the first chapter of the game’s story takes place mere days to months after the conclusion of the film "The Matrix Revolutions" (2003), which takes place in 2700 AD. 

The game’s narrative then moved in real-time with the game’s players at the time from March 22nd, 2005 to July 31st, 2009. 

2009 - 2005 = 4 
2700 + 4 = 2704. 

The timeline of the Matrix Universe is fairly unique among the largest franchises because the human characters within its fictional world (diegesis) do not themselves know what year it truly is for the duration of most of the stories. 

It is a chronologically late video game in The Matrix Universe timeline. It can be played at its timeline point. 
