When Does "Endymion" (1996) Take Place?

"Endymion" is a science fiction novel written by Dan Simmons and released January 16th, 1996. So when is "Endymion" set? 

It takes place in the year: 

3038 AD 

We know this because the Raul Endymion tells the reader very early on, "I was born on the world of Hyperion in the year 693 ADC on our local calendar, or 3099 AD, pre-Hegira reckoning, or, as most of us figure time in the era of the Pax, 247 years after the Fall." This phrase "after the Fall" certainly refers to the time since the events of the previous novel "The Fall of Hyperion" (1990), which takes place in 2764 AD. 

2764 + 247  = 3011. 

Soon after, we learn, "At the time my life changed forever and this story really begins, I was twenty-seven years old". 

3011 + 27 = 3038. 
