When Does "The Others" (2001) Take Place?
"The Others" is a horror film written by Alejandro AmenĂ¡bar that released August 10th, 2001. So when is "The Others" set?
It takes place in the year:
We know this because the post-mortem photograph of the dead characters clearly reads "December 1891" on the back (a tombstone is seen for one of them with "1829 1891" engraved on it, as well) and one of the ghosts says, "Tuberculosis finished us off. More than half a century ago." which would mean they'd been dead for more than 50 years, so it's sometime after 1941 AD.

1945 AD
We know this because the post-mortem photograph of the dead characters clearly reads "December 1891" on the back (a tombstone is seen for one of them with "1829 1891" engraved on it, as well) and one of the ghosts says, "Tuberculosis finished us off. More than half a century ago." which would mean they'd been dead for more than 50 years, so it's sometime after 1941 AD.
1891 + 50 = 1941.
More specifically, Grace Stewart says very early on, "The master went off to war... a year and a half ago. I've had no news since the war ended." Later, she exclaims, "For 5 whole years during the occupation, I managed to avoid a single Nazi ever stepping foot in this house". In the real world, Nazi German forces occupied some of the small isolated islands in the English Channel off the British coast from June 30th, 1940 AD to May 9th, 1945 AD. So it must be the aftermath of the real-world global conflict World War II, which ended in September of 1945 AD. Potentially, as little Anne Stewart specifically says, "he's in France." when referring to her father, Grace could be referring only to the end of histilities in Europe on V-E Day, which happened in the real world in May of 1945 AD. At most, it's currently early 1946 AD.