When Does "Forbidden Planet" (1956) Take Place?

"Forbidden Planet" is a science fiction film written by Cyril Hume with Irving Block and Allen Adler that released March 3rd, 1956. 

It takes place in the year: 

2372 AD 

We know this because the opening omniscient narration declares, “By 2200 AD, they had reached the other planets of our solar system.” (“they” here referring to all of humanity) and then Captain Adams announces to his crew that “20 years ago the spacecraft Bellerophon landed here”. So we know it is later than 2220 AD at the absolute earliest and an adaptation offers a specific option. 

2200 + 20 = 2220. 

Early in the film, Dr. Ostrow says, “We young men have been shut up in hyperspace for well over a year, now.” strongly implying that the trip from Earth has taken something under 2 years. Also, the opening omniscient narration tells us, “United Planets cruiser C-57-D, now more than a year out from Earth base” clearly stating that it’s been over 1 year since their voyage began. 

More specifically, the prose novel adaptation (novelization) of the film DOES state that the crew leaves Earth in 2371 AD. 

2371 + 1 = 2372. 

Assuming a close adaptation, this is the best year we can ascertain for the story. 

It was adapted to prose in early 1956. 
