When Does "Tales From the Forbidden Zone: Murderers' Row" (2017) Take Place?

"Planet of the Apes: Tales From the Forbidden Zone: Murderers' Row" is a science fiction short story written by John Jackson Miller that released January 24th, 2017. So when is "Murderers' Row" set? 

It takes place on the fictional Planet of the Apes universe timeline in the year: 

1973 AD 

We know this because Franklin de Silva says, "Did you see Bill Bonds' numbers from this weekend?" followed by "they gave Otto Hasslein two hours to ramble on about the apes" and this broadcast is shown live during the film "Escape from the Planet of the Apes" (1971), which takes place in 1973 AD. 

Furthermore, early in the short story, Gary Luckman specifically narrates, "if you were around in 1973, you're probably going to have a good idea of who and what I'm talking about". 

Additionally, there is a frame story in which Luckman is looking back on the main action from a point at which he refers to 1973 AD as "seventeen years ago". So the frame must take place in 1990 AD

1973 + 17 = 1990. 

It is the chronologically earliest short story in the Planet of the Apes universe and can be read at its timeline point. 
