When Does "The New Gods" #7 (1971) Take Place?

"The New Gods" #7 "The Pact!" is a fantasy comic-book written by Jack Kirby and released December 21st, 1971. So when is "The New Gods" #7 set? 

It takes place on the fictional DC Comics Universe roughly in the year: 

~950 AD 

We know this because while it is only labeled with free floating text that reads: “IN THE BEGINNING ~”, other issues refer to this story as having happened “1,000 years ago”, the previous and following issues of “The New Gods” clearly take place some time in the 20th century. 

~1950 - 1000 = ~950. 

The issue ends “300 years ago” so: 

~1950 - 300 = ~1650. 


"The New Gods" #7 also includes the stories: 

“The Young Gods of Supertown!”: "Vykin the Black!" 

It takes place on the fictional DC Comics Universe roughly in the year: 


and then two reprint stories. 
