When Does "Captain America" #423 (1993) Take Place?

"Captain America" #423 v1 "War Zones" is a superhero comic-book written by Roy Thomas that released November 3rd, 1993. So when is "Captain America" #423 set? 

It takes place on the fictional Marvel Universe timeline in the year: 

1941 AD 

We know this because of the appearance of the real-world United States of America President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, (who served from 1933 AD to 1945 AD) and because Steve Rogers has already become Captain America and taken on James ‘Bucky’ Barnes as his sidekick, events seen in the first story in "Captain America Comics" #1 (1940), which takes place in 1941 AD. Also, when Captain America sees Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner, he exclaims, "I knew you and I would have to meet sooner or later, Namor!" strongly implying that this is the first time the two characters meet face-to-face– the two form a team with other heroes called the Invaders in ?. 

More specifically, a sailor says, "What about all that Lend-Lease stuff Washington’s shippin’ the Brits?" so it must be after F.D.R. signed the Lend-Lease Act on March 11th, 1941 AD and (perhaps most conclusively) Roosevelt refers to himself when he says, ..."taking care of himself for fifty-nine years!" strongly implying that he is 59-years-old. The real-world F.D.R. was born on January 30th, 1882 AD. 

1882 + 59 = 1941. 

Furthermore, the first page includes a time and place setting textbox that reads, "Early 1941-- with most of the world at war". 

It is a chronologically midway comic in the Marvel Comics Universe multiverse timeline. 
