When Does the TV Show “Agent Carter” Season One (2015) Take Place?

"Agent Carter" season one is a science fiction spy television show showran by Tara Butters with Michele Fazekas and Chris Dingess [loosely adapting "Tales of Suspense" #77 (1966) by Stan Lee] that released January 6th, 2015. So when is "Agent Carter" season one set? 

It takes place on the fictional Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline in the year: 

1946 AD 

We know this because the first scene of season 1 episode 1 "Now is Not the End" includes a place and year setting title card over the footage that reads, "New York City, 1946". 

Furthermore, almost immediately afterward, Agent Peggy Carter is holding an issue of "The New York Examiner" newspaper dated for "SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1946". Later she is holding one dated for "WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1946", so we know it is, at least, June of 1946 AD. 

Additionally, there is a 1937 AD prologue to season 1 episode 5 "The Iron Ceiling". It includes a time and place setting title card immediately at the second shot, which tells us it is "Russia, 1937". At the end of this prologue, another title card assures us we have returned to "New York, 1946". 

Moving along, there’s another flashback prologue at the start of season 1 episode 6 “A Sin to Err”: this time to 1944 AD. It also includes a time and place setting title card in the very first shot: “Russia, 1944”. 

Then, season 1 episode 7 "SNAFU" opens with a prologue flashing back to the midst of World War II, its first shot includes a time setting title card saying, "Russia, 1943". This 1943 AD prologue ends with another title card stating simply "3 Years Later", bringing us back to 1946 AD. 

1943 + 3 = 1946. 

The final episode of season 1 also includes a short flashback with another time setting title card that just says "6 Months Earlier". That must take place in December 1945 AD because that episode (season 1 episode 8 "Valediction") specifically takes place on May 8th, 1946, the one-year anniversary of V-E Day

5.1946 - 0.6 = 12.1945. 

Season two (2016) occurs in 1947 AD. 

It is the earliest chronological TV show in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and can be watched either at its timeline point or [along with "Captain America: The First Avenger" (2011) with or without the "Agent Carter" (2013) short film] between "Thor" (2011) and "The Avengers" (2012) as part of an extended flashback or as part of an extended flashback just before “Captain America: Civil War” (2016)
