When Does "The Animatrix: Beyond" (2003) Take Place?
"The Animatrix: Beyond" is a science fiction animated short film written by Koji Morimoto and released June 3rd, 2003.
We know this because while it is technically unplaceable it probably takes place sometime not far ? because ? and therefore it probably isn't before ?, which takes place in YEAR AD.
It takes place on the fictional The Matrix timeline roughly in the years:
We know this because while it is technically unplaceable it probably takes place sometime not far ? because ? and therefore it probably isn't before ?, which takes place in YEAR AD.
The timeline of the Matrix Universe is fairly unique among the largest franchises because the human characters within its fictional world (diegesis) do not themselves know what year it truly is for the duration of most of the stories.
The end of the narrative includes a screen showing a phone call tracing program reading, "2-2-03, 15:52". Presumably, this timestamp means the entire story takes place at around the same time on the current calendar within the Matrix: February of 2003 AD. This timestamp clearly refers only to time for the characters living within the Matrix who accept the false narrative they are presented: that it is still the late 20th century. In the video game "The Matrix Online" (2005), Tic Tock explains that the calendars and clocks within the Matrix are (or maybe previous to the events of the feature film, “The Matrix Revolutions” (2003), when this animated short seems to take place after, were) periodically reset.
It is the eighth? chronological short film in The Matrix Universe timeline. It can be watched at its timeline point or entirely separately.