When Does "Happy Birthday, David" (2012) Take Place?

"Introducing the David 8 - The Next Generation Weyland Robot" (later released as "Happy Birthday, David" and "The Peter Weyland Files: Happy Birthday, David") is a science fiction short film written by Damon Lindelof with Johnny Hardstaff that released April 17th, 2012. So when is "Happy Birthday, David" set? 

It takes place on the fictional Alien vs. Predator timeline in the year: 

2078 AD 

We know this because near the end of the narrative a tiny fake copyright statement is visible as part of a title card that reads: "DAVID ⒸⓇ 2078 WI". While sometimes these copyright marks appear on a product or advertisement in the year before or the year after the year the product or advertisement actually appears, most often they correspond exactly to when the thing comes out. Therefore, it's most logical to place this faux-found-footage short film when a viewer within the fictional universe (diegesis) could first see it, in 2078 AD. 

It is the second-earliest chronological short film in the Alien vs. Predator timeline. It can be watched at its timeline point. [Expanded elements enrich the experience: it can be watched after "TED 2023" (2012) and before "Quiet Eye" (2012).] 
